Dr. Chuck Lortie, MD, CCFP, FCFP, FRCPC, FAAD


Park Dermatology
Suite 833, 8005 Emerald Drive
Sherwood Park, AB T8H0P1


Tel: 780-784-3347



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Personal Summary:

Dr. Lortie began his career as a family physician with a professional practice in Sherwood Park.  He went on to specialize in Dermatology through the University of Alberta with additional internationally training through Mayo Clinic and the University of California at San Diego.

Dr. Lortie developed a particular interest in dermatologic surgery working with Mohs surgeons across the country including Vancouver, Toronto, Saint John and Calgary as well as here in Edmonton.  Upon completing dermatology residency, Dr. Lortie was accepted to a private ACGME accredited fellowship program gaining expertise in microscopic skin cancer surgery and procedural dermatology.  This was completed in New Jersey under staff affiliated with the University of Columbia in New York.

Dr. Lortie is a published author, a board certified dermatologist both in Canada and the United States and is accredited by the American College of Mohs Surgery.

Medical School and Year of Graduation:

University of Manitoba, 1989

Residency Training and Year Completed:

Group Practice/Hospital Affiliations:

Key Professional Achievements and Awards:

Division of Dermatology Procedural Fellowship
Mohs surgery (ACGME / ACMS)
LMCC - Licentiate of the Medical Council of Canada
FRCPC - Fellow Royal College of Physicians Canada - Dermatology
CCFP - Certificant; Canadian College of Family Physicians - Family Medicine

Specialized Training or Interests:

Complete medical dermatology
Mohs micrographic skin cancer surgery
Procedural and Cosmetic dermatology
Laser Medicine